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Dr. Alex Oliver

Dr. Alex Oliver, an expert in modeling and machine learning, is a key election scientist at Valor America.

Dr. Alex Oliver, Election Scientist

Dr. Oliver lives in New Hampshire. He earned his BA from Merrimack College in Mathematics and then a Master’s in Economics from Tufts University. He has a Ph.D. from the Boston University Political Science program. Dr. Oliver is possibly the most intelligent election scientist in the Republican world. He is an expert in modeling and machine learning and conducts the part of our research efforts that give us precise targets in any and every race.

There are simply no Republican election professionals who have the skillset of Dr. Oliver. He codes primarily in R and Python. He was appointed Lecturer of Politics at Brandeis University and a Lecturer of Political Science where he has taught undergraduate and graduate courses on campaign strategy, voter behavior, public opinion, and legislative behavior using his own state-of-the-art syllabi. Dr. Oliver loves to travel and is deeply dedicated to the research work that underlies our revolutionary election work at Valor America.